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Simple HVAC Sensor Installation – Part 1

Posted by craig on September 14th, 2011 at 9:40 am

This is the first post of a two post series demonstrating the flexibility and simplicity of installing our sensors. Included below is the video of a site walk around pre-hardware installation. The video is of a cooling tower system installation we did for a large casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. My second post will cover Part 2, once we have installed the hardware.

Some questions to think about while watching the video (I will answer them in the next post):

- How many sensors do you think our system would need to monitor a system this large?

- How to keep the sensors from getting destroyed in a harsh environment?

- Where do you place the sensors and not interrupt building operations?

- Doesn’t the system already have an energy management system?

- How long did it take us to install our system?

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